EU project: "LoCoMaTech"


EU Horizon 2020 Project LoCoMaTech

EU HORIZON 2020 Project No: 723517

Project acronym: LoCoMaTech

Start day: 1st September 2016

Duration: 3 years

Project full title: Low Cost Materials Processing Technologies for Mass Production of Lightweight Vehicles

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LoCoMaTech Web Site (Partners Area)

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European Commission

Horizon 2020 Programme

NMBP Programme

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Framework Programme for Research & Innovation under grant agreement No:723517.



The overall aim of LoCoMaTech is, in the first place, to enable the novel HFQ® process, (patented by ICL) in its latest most advanced form, which includes 10 recently patented refining technologies (TRL4), to be used for the manufacture of lightweight, high strength body and chassis structures and components for low-cost vehicles, by establishing a prototype, full scale pilot production line (TRL6), supported by a supply chain ranging from raw material to end of life. This will be the first low-cost technology in the world enabling manufacture of high-strength lightweight complex-shaped aluminium parts and low environmental impact. The 1st generation of HFQ technology has already been commercially used in manufacturing 4 types of niche vehicles. This project aims at bringing the materials and manufacturing cost significantly down, through introducing newly patented technological measures, by which the technology could be used for producing low-cost vehicles. The low cost HFQ® technology will be used first for mass production of aluminium car body and chassis structures (eventually for all vehicles), which will lead to substantial improvement in energy efficiency, performance and travel range of low-end vehicles.